Allow Ignore Errors

When checked, ignores error specified in “Ignore Errors” under “General Settings”.

Add errors to be ignored in “Ignore Errors” under “General Settings”, separated by new line.


3701, 11, 5 --To ignore Number: 3701, Level: 11, State: 5, Line: 2, Message: Cannot drop the table <…>, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
5701, 0, 1 --To ignore Number: 5701, Level: 0, State: 1, Line: 1, Message: Changed database context to <…>.

It is necessary to choose “Allow Ignore Errors” at workload level to use this functionality.

It is recommended to test this functionality carefully, for example it is trivial to ignore errors with “ExecuteNonQuery” but with “ExecureReader” or with “Database Connect” ignoring errors can lead to further errors or exception.

Without Ignore Errors:

With Ignore Errors:

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